Fire Doors
Fire doors are designed to protect life in the event of fire
related emergencies. While the causes of fire could be many – short circuits, gas leakage, explosion, and
sheer negligence - what is critical is protection of the many human lives at risk.
In-ArcFire Doors are designed to meet the life safety requirements in various types of buildings and
structures by primarily compartmentalizing and containing the spread of fire, Further these doors
complement the existing passive fire-fighting systems already in use in the buildings.
The condition of use of fire doors is governed by National building codes in addition to directives of
local fire fighting and municipal authorities. Designed for integrity, stability and insulation, these
doors are available with paper honeycomb core as standard infill material. Other infill material are also
available both generic and proprietary such as Puff, Mineral wool, Ceramic wool based on the type,
category and door design. These doors are rated for 60, 90,100,120,180 and 240 minutes fire rating. Tested
to Indian and International standards In-Arcis one of India’s only manufacturer to offer IS, BS and UL
from a single source.
All fire doors are factory finished with polyurethane-finish paint and in wood grain finish, tested for
250Hrs of Salt Spray Test.